Bandaging the ear

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Ear Wounds in Dogs: Bandaging Techniques and Care

When dealing with ear wounds in dogs, it is essential to recognise that each dog has a unique ear conformation. Some dogs have ears that stand up, while others have floppy ears that lie flat against their face. The approach to bandaging will vary based on the dog's ear type and the location of the wound.

Understanding Ear Conformation

Dogs with ears that can move up or down require specific bandaging techniques depending on the wound's position. For example, a slice wound on the side of the ear pinna does not significantly affect the choice of bandaging direction. The main focus should be on ensuring the bandage is as comfortable as possible for the dog.

Bandaging Technique

Applying the Dressing

Start by applying a dressing to the wound area. This will help control bleeding and prevent contamination and infection. Place the dressing on the most exposed part of the wound, where it is at the highest risk of contamination.

Bandaging the Ear

For this particular dog, where the dressing is applied inside the ear, it is preferable to bandage the ear in an upward direction. This method helps protect the wound from coming into contact with the fur, which may carry bacteria or be dirty. If the bandage slips, the wound remains in contact with a cleaner surface—the bandage itself—rather than potentially contaminated fur.

Steps for Bandaging

  • Unravel the bandage and place it over the head, aiming for a two-person job if the wound is uncomfortable for the dog.
  • Begin by wrapping the bandage around the back of the dog’s ear. Avoid including the other ear or covering the dog's eyes to minimise distress.
  • Secure the bandage in front of the other ear while ensuring it does not obstruct the dog’s vision or hearing.

Final Considerations

Ear bandages tend to slip, and dogs may try to shake them off. The goal is to keep the dressing in place temporarily until you can get your dog to a vet for a thorough examination and treatment. This initial bandaging will help manage the wound and control bleeding until professional help is available.