Spinal injuries

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How to Identify and Respond to Spinal Injuries in Dogs

Recognising Spinal Injuries

Spinal injuries in dogs can be extremely serious. Look out for the following signs:

  • Partial or complete paralysis, especially of the back legs or all four limbs.
  • Loss of bladder control and involuntary toileting.

Immediate Actions to Take

If you suspect your dog has a spinal injury, follow these steps:

  • Minimise Movement: Prevent your dog from moving more than necessary, even if they seem capable of walking or dragging their legs. Movement can exacerbate the injury.
  • Prevent Back Bending: Avoid allowing your dog to bend their back. Carry them carefully and securely.
  • Seek Veterinary Care Immediately: Get your dog to the vet as quickly as possible for professional evaluation and treatment.

Handling and Transporting Your Dog

When handling a dog with a suspected spinal injury:

  • Use a firm surface, such as a board or a blanket, to keep their spine straight during transport.
  • Have someone assist you if possible, to ensure stability and reduce the risk of further injury.


Spinal injuries in dogs require immediate and careful attention. By minimising movement and ensuring safe transport, you can help prevent further damage and ensure your dog receives the urgent veterinary care they need.