Eye conditions

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Common Eye Conditions in Dogs and How to Respond

Recognising Eye Problems

Dogs can develop various eye conditions, and you will often notice signs indicating something is wrong:

  • Rubbing at the eye
  • Discharge or redness
  • Half-closing the eye
  • Inflammation or swelling

These symptoms suggest that your dog is experiencing discomfort or pain in their eye. Seasonal changes can also hint at specific issues, such as grass seeds in summer causing inflammation.

Initial First Aid for Eye Conditions

As a first-aider, you can assess the eye and perform the following steps:

  • Clean the Eye: Use cool water with cotton wool or a flannel to gently clean away any discharge. Ensure your dog is comfortable with this process.

Common Eye Conditions


Conjunctivitis involves inflammation of the conjunctiva, the tissue inside the eyelid. It can result from allergies, foreign objects, or infections. Symptoms include:

  • Squinting
  • Crusty or thick discharge at the corner of the eye

Corneal Ulcers

Corneal ulcers are an emergency. They are usually very painful, and symptoms include:

  • Closing the eye
  • Rubbing the eye
  • Redness and sometimes cloudiness on the cornea

If you suspect a corneal ulcer, seek veterinary attention immediately to prevent severe pain and potential loss of the eye.


Cataracts are common in older dogs and appear as white discolouration in the lens. They are not usually painful but can affect vision, especially in low light. Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty judging distances or tripping in dim lighting

Cataracts can also develop quickly due to diabetes, which requires prompt veterinary attention.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

Always consult your vet if your dog shows signs of eye discomfort. Some conditions, like corneal ulcers, need urgent treatment. Regular check-ups can help maintain your dog's eye health and address issues promptly.


Eye conditions in dogs can range from mild to severe. By recognising symptoms early and providing appropriate first aid, you can help ensure your dog's eyes remain healthy. Always seek veterinary advice for any eye issues to prevent complications.