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What to Do If Your Pet Ingests Something Toxic

Immediate Actions

If you suspect that your pet has ingested something potentially toxic, contact your vet immediately. The toxicity of substances can vary depending on the type of animal and their size.

Identify the Substance

To help your vet provide the best care, gather as much information as possible about what your pet may have eaten:

  • If it is rat poison, bring the packaging or take a photo of it.
  • If it is chocolate, note the type:
    • Is it in a cake?
    • Is it cocoa powder-based?
    • Is it milk chocolate?
  • Bring any packaging or the actual object to the vet.

Inform the vet about when your pet ingested the substance and their current condition.

Symptoms to Watch For

Sometimes you may see your pet ingest something toxic, other times symptoms may appear, such as:

  • Drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Neurological symptoms: dizziness, wobbliness, or falling over

These symptoms could indicate that your pet has ingested something harmful.


Acting quickly and providing your vet with detailed information can help ensure your pet receives the necessary treatment for any potential toxicity. Always monitor your pet closely and seek immediate veterinary care if you suspect they have ingested something toxic.